Management Accounting Masterclass

Tax season is just around the corner, and there's no better time to invest in your professional development.


Introduction to financial management, how to read and analyse financial statements, cause and effects of business distress, break-even modelling (understand the cost of each business decision), profit planning, cash flow budgeting, how businesses are valued and how to improve their worth.



9.00am – 10.30am      How to Read and Analyse Financial Statements

10.30am – 10.45am    Morning Tea

10.45am – 12.15pm    Break Even modelling

12.15pm – 12.45pm    Lunch

12.45pm – 2.15pm      Profit Planning and Cash Flow Forecasting

2.15pm – 2.30pm        Afternoon Tea

2.30pm – 4.00pm        Valuing a Business and Improving its Worth


Session Topics Explained

1. How to read and analyse financial statements - Interpreting the Income statement and the balance sheet like a management accountant, analyse the numbers to understand trends.  Specifically being able to measure performance against key/critical business success factors.

2. Break Even – knowing the cost of each business decision, for example the number of sales &/or new clients needed to cover business investments such as new employees and refurbishments. How changes to prices impact the bottom line, whether in control of pricing or not leaders need to have a practical understand.  For example, if prices were to drop by 5%, how many more clients &/or additional income would be needed to retain the same level of profitability.

3. Profit Planning and Cash Flow Forecasting – Interpreting  ‘budgets’, their accuracy and the picture they paint of the future is essential for successful leadership.  While an accountant may prepare only the leadership team can bring a forecast to life.  Rising income impacts business for better and sometimes creates challenges.  Participants will have a practical understanding of the critical relationship between Sales, Profit & Cash.

4. Valuing a Business and Improving its Worth - The aim of business is to create value for shareholders.  By knowing how enterprises are valued, what drives worth and how it can be improved, leaders and board members can prepare actions and plans accordingly.





Lots of humour

Real life case studies

Workbook provided

Tools and templates for ongoing use



Comprehensive understanding of financial management, giving participants the ability to not only ask key questions of leaders but also provide guidance on areas to improve business performance.  Participants will have the knowledge and confidence to discuss financial statements and performance at a board or management level in a way that will stand out for its clarity and effectiveness.


Who Should Attend

Senior Managers, board members, entrepreneurs.  Irrespective of industry or level of experience this session will be of incredible value.  Finance is a critical pillar of all businesses, participants will have the confidence and skills to effectively deal with financial partners, set plans and understand the consequences of business decisions.

For event enquiries, please email