2030 The Future of Technology & The Legal Industry - CMP Melbourne

2030 The Future of Technology & The Legal Industry



The rapid growth and widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence continue to be truly remarkable. As we look ahead to 2025, this technology is becoming even more deeply integrated into organizational systems, with an increasing number of law firms incorporating it into their daily operations.

What does this mean for the future of legal services, the legal sector, and the workforce in 2025 and beyond?

What steps are necessary for successful integration, and what topics like ethics, accuracy, re-skilling, and other concerns still require in-depth discussion as we move forward?

​Some experts propose perceiving these technological disruptions as opportunities for evolution rather than causes for concern. How can we best leverage these opportunities in the coming year?

"2030 - The Future of Technology and the Legal Industry 2025" is a vital gathering for legal professionals. This innovative event will bring together leading experts to explore this rapidly evolving field that continues to change faster than we can keep pace with. Taking place in both Sydney and Melbourne in the event will offer a central hub for sharing the latest knowledge and fostering networking opportunities in light of the most recent developments.

Join us as we examine the cutting-edge advancements expected in 2025, their potential impact on the legal landscape, and how professionals can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Contact us:

For any enquiries, please email kathy.katrivesis@thomsonreuters.com or call +61401127916

For sponsorships, george.katrivesis@thomsonreuters.com or call +61401118116