Equity & Trusts Conference 2024

Thomson Reuters' presents the 2024 Equity & Trusts Conference


Equity & Trusts Conference 2024

The law in practice

Thursday 8 August, Eden Park, Auckland and Livestream

The inaugural Equity & Trusts Conference, organised by Thomson Reuters, is taking place in Auckland on 8 August 2024 at Eden Park.

The conference will provide meaningful and substantive discussion on the many facets of equity and trust law including fiduciary duties, accessory liability, trusts & the PRA, costs and trustee indemnities, tax traps for the unwary, and trusts, ture & tikanga.

The conference aims to provide practical guidance for those that work in the equity and trusts space and focuses on The Law in Practice.

A livestream option is available if you are unable to attend in person.

5.25 CPD hours

Thursday 8 August, Eden Park, Auckland and Livestream


8.30AM Registration & Coffee

9.00AM Welcome from the Chair

Andrew Butler KC, Barrister, Thorndon Chambers

9.10AM Evaluating the Trusts Act 2019

Professor Emerita Nicola Peart reflects on the Trusts Act 2019, whether it met its intended objectives; what it delivered and what it did not deliver.

Professor Emerita Nicola Peart ONZMFaculty of Law, University of Otago 

9.55AM Trusts and the PRA

This session will traverse the history of the courts’ treatment of trusts when a relationship breaks down, and consider how practitioners can proactively plan ahead for a division of trust and relationship property in the event a relationship comes to an end.

Colette Mackenzie, Director, Greg Kelly Trust Law

10.40AM Morning break

11.00AM Fiduciary Duties

Andrew Butler KC, Barrister, Thorndon Chambers

11.45AM Trustee costs and indemnities

An examination of the scope and limits of trustee costs and indemnities, and an examination of appropriate trustee actions when seeking and relying on indemnities.

Isaac Hikaka, Barrister, Mills Lane Chambers

12.30PM Lunch break

1.20PM Trusts, Ture and Tikanga - "it's all about relationships"

Judge Aidan Warren, Te Kooti Whenua Māori - Māori Land Court 

2.05PM Accessory liability – trends in dishonest assistance and knowing receipt

In this session, Nathaniel will explore trends and developments in dishonest assistance and knowing receipt, which provide a basis to hold a third party liable for their involvement in another's breach of trust or fiduciary obligation. Particular emphasis will be placed on the practical means of bringing such claims (which tend to be underused), drawing on a number of recent appellate authorities both in New Zealand and offshore.

Nathaniel Walker, Partner, Russell McVeagh

2.50PM Afternoon break

3.10PM Taxation and Trusts: Tax traps for the unwary

A look at how New Zealand's tax rules for trusts apply to selected scenarios.

Tim Stewart, Special Counsel, Mayne Wetherell

3.55PM Final remarks from the chair

Andrew Butler KC, Barrister, Thorndon Chambers

4.00PM Conference close